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Research: Origin of Evil is related to Sex

Origin Of Evil - The Human Fall
Research Revealed Sexual Guilt 
The forbidden fruit, genesis, the fruit, bible story, fall of man

Anthropologist Richard Heinberg in his book “Memories and Visions of Paradise” said people in every culture and age have insisted that evil had a specific cause – which the contradiction of our two minds began from a specific point. Human nature is not natural at all, because it has been distorted by some fundamental mistake or failure that has been perpetuated from generation to generation.  

Heiberg studied the myths of Creation and Separation and Alienation. In every culture there is a mythical story about human origins that consistently involves humanity separated from its original purpose, falling short of what was expected, acting contradictory to a Divine command. This is a consistency image in all of the world culture.

Eating Banana cause Birth of Evil
One of the examples is a West African story. The Divine, the Creator gives a job to the sun, the moon and to man. The sun does his job and was rewarded with a place to rule the sky during the day. The moon does her job and is rewarded with a place to rule the sky at night. Man is to take a bunch of bananas, ripen them, and carry them to the top of the mountain and offer them to the Creator without eating one. But along the way, he gets hungry and he eats the banana and was casted into the pit.

Material Pleasures brought Evil
In Buddhist culture, a story of originally spiritual beings that became attracted and drawn to the physical and material sense oriental pleasures and they drag us down into this false reality.

Psychologist discovered Sexual Guilt 
Carl Jung, a Swedish psychologist studied the myths and symbols expresses in our dreams and religious culture. Jung concluded that every culture has a myth of an original Fall or Alienation. This is in his famous work, Man And His Symbols. Further, he recognized that the symbols: snakes, trees, fruits and women being told not to do something until a certain time and struggles between man and woman. There are certain symbols are common to these myths, and they also recurred in dreams of human beings all over the face of the earth, what Jung called the ‘collective unconscious’. That we all have a level of consciousness that we share, even though we may not communicated, but deep inside us, we have the same original mind, sense and conscious. And Jung interestingly found in each of these stories, some sense of guilt about love, about sexuality on each level.

Evil Escaped from The Box
There’s the famous story of Pandora. Pandora was created by gods, then married to the son of god and was given a gift and told “Don’t open it, until after your wedding night.” This is hard to figure out. What was it that a woman was not to open until after her wedding night? Pandora can’t keep control of her curiosity, she opens the box prior to her wedding and evil enters to the world. These themes are common.

Eating the Forbidden Fruit 
In the Bible, the Genesis story also has an interesting myth that is filled with symbolism: fruits, serpents, trees, maturing, don’t eat the fruit and you can’t eat – we’re not going into details. But simply, the simple fact before eating the fruit, they were naked and they were not ashamed. That was nothing shameful about their nose or their chin or belly button or knees. BUT after eating the fruit, they did become ashamed, but not of their mouths which has eaten, not of their hands which has stolen the fruit, but they covered their lower parts, their sexual organs, they felt shame about their sexuality. Adam and Eve’s sexual parts were the source of their shame because they were instruments of their sinful deed. In this story we see more than just the fall or separation of individuals; we see the breakdown of a family. The Genesis story represents history’s first dysfunctional family.

The Origin of Evil - Sexual Immorality 
We can thus say that, the symbolical meaning of the banana, the box, the fruit is non-other than love. Love is the strongest force in the universe, but it can also be the most dangerous. The origin of fall that human caused, is because they misuse their love, they misused their sexual organ. Just like Carl Jung said in his book, because of this - a sexual guilt came about.

So what truths those these stories teach? What common lesson can we learn?
Human beings have freedom and choice. In each of these stories, the result is not predetermined by an Almighty God which is determining the play on the human stage. In each of these stories, human beings have a responsibility, a choice.

Freedom comes with responsibility. In each of these stories, we are told that human beings are just free, to live as we want on earth. But there are laws and principles, there is a divine order and we are accountable to a higher authority. Human beings are free, but with freedom comes responsibility and we are accountable to a higher authority which we can see express in the unchanging, eternal laws of the natural world.

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Do you have the other lecture videos from this series?
@Me Yes I do have, and it's also available here at Just search for "Root Cause of Conflict".
Carl Jung was Swiss, not Swedish. I really liked your point about Adam and Eve covering themselves though. It sounds really obvious, but I had never really thought of it that way.
Interesting how a serpent represents evil in a number of these creation stories out there.

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